Monday, May 11, 2020

The Supernatural Of William Shakespeare s Macbeth

Abraham Maslow once said, â€Å"We need not take refuge in supernatural gods to explain our saints and sages and heroes and statesmen, as if to explain our disbelief that mere unaided human beings could be that good or wise.† In an odd way, this applies to William Shakespeare’s tragedies. Shakespeare seemed to frequently fall back on the use of supernatural elements in order to pull his plays together. He would turn to them for aid in his story telling and use them to further explain the scenes that were taking place, and that would eventually take place. By tying the supernatural world into his plays, Shakespeare was able to draw in his audience and keep them entertained. Because pieces of his plot were able to apply to their lives, the audience members were captivated by it; therefore, William Shakespeare was a genius for that. However, by using elements of the supernatural, such as the three witch’s in Macbeth sharing their prophecies, Shakespeare is able to t ie in religion. In Elizabethan England the religious beliefs would frequently flip-flop between Catholic and Protestant, two religions that were similar yet different; however, a major point that is stressed in the Bible is that there is to be no communicating with the dead. It’s forbidden by the highest power of them all†¦ God. Characters such as the three witches were used in Macbeth as a way to predict the future actions of Macbeth. Had the three witches not told Macbeth that he were to be king, then he most likelyShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth - The Natural And Supernatural World1313 Words   |  6 PagesLiterature 12/3/15 To be or not to be? That is the Question of Macbeth The idea that not everything is quite what it seems is not a new one, and has been explored even long before the time of William Shakespeare; however, the playwright whose name has remained the talk of dinner tables worldwide, did an exceptional job of weighing the plurality of the different forms of the natural world. In the Scottish play, Macbeth, Shakespeare both entertains his audience, and poses questions as to what isRead MoreThe Supernatural Element Of William Shakespeare s Macbeth1265 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is interesting is what each supernatural element represents in Shakespeare’s society and in our current society. The supernatural elements in Macbeth include fate, the witches, mythological beings, ghosts, and apparitions. I believe that the witches in Shakespeare’s time, in the play and in real life, represent the power of choice. The power to be able to decide to commit murder or any other heinous act or decide to let things naturally happen shows the classic choice between good and evil,Read MoreSupernatural Events in William Shakespeare ´s Macbeth671 Words   |  3 PagesSupernatural Events in Macbeth The supernatural events that occurred in the play Macbeth are an essential part of the plot that creates a way for the audience to see the insights of the characters. All of these supernatural occurrences are a way to show the evil paths that the characters will eventually lead. These paranormal events lead the characters to behave in an unnatural way. There is a multitude of variations in how the supernatural appears such as the three sister witches, the dagger, aRead MoreMacbeth Themes899 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"What are the major themes in Macbeth† By Connor Maguire William Shakespeare’s Macbeth a play complete with many themes and viewpoints. The themes are exhibited by the main characters of the play, notably antagonist Macbeth. Themes seen in the play include ambition, where is is portrayed as both dangerous and unnatural. However, it does exist in both good and evil forms in the play. Another theme seen is whether Macbeths actions in the play are a result of fate, or free will. Although outsideRead MoreThemes in Macbeth742 Words   |  3 PagesWithin Shakespeare s famous Macbeth there are many different themes that make the play the captivating masterpiece that it is. The role of the supernatural is a very important element of Shakespeare s Macbeth. Just as important, the theme of masculinity is very dominant. Both themes contribute to the play s unique and powerful nature, overall creating a very effective storyline, strong characters, and unexpected twists and turns throughout. In the time of William Shakespeare thereRead More Comparing the Supernatural in William Shakespeares Hamlet and Macbeth 921 Words   |  4 PagesComparing the Supernatural in William Shakespeares Hamlet and Macbeth  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   In the time of William Shakespeare there was a strong belief in the existence of the supernatural. Therefore, the supernatural is a recurring theme in many of Shakespeares plays. In two such plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, the supernatural is an integral part of the structure of the plot. It provides a catalyst for action, an insight into character, and an augmentation of the impact of many key scenes. TheRead MoreImportance Of Shakespeare s Macbeth 1519 Words   |  7 Pages Importance of the Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Throughout all of history, witches are known for practicing magic and creating prophecies to predict any future. In any scene involving witches, it is important to know their role in the play, whether they change the outcome of the play or simply influenced it, and the supernatural features the play comes along with in its time. In No Fear Shakespeare Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the play starts out with the three witchesRead More The Supernatural in Shakespeares Works Essay1747 Words   |  7 PagesThe Supernatural in Shakespeares Works No one questions the fact that William Shakespeare is a pure genius when it comes to creating immortal characters whose characteristics transcends those of the normal supernatural beings, but most students of literature agree that his uses of the supernatural aren’t merely figments of his creative imagination. Every man, woman, and child is influenced by the age into which they are born and Shakespeare was no exception. Not only does his use of supernaturalRead MoreSupernatural Soliciting Within Shakespeare s Macbeth1728 Words   |  7 Pages November 6th, 2017 Supernatural Soliciting within Shakespeare s Macbeth Shakespeare’s Macbeth is broadly known as a cursed play by a myriad of individuals globally. Given its appalling history of death and disorder, as well as the supernatural elements present within the play, many have come to the latter conclusion. To add, Macbeth is also a tragedy, adding more malediction to the already allegedly accursed play. To create such a tragic, ill-fated play, Shakespeare uses a vast variety ofRead MoreMacbeth - Supernatural Theme809 Words   |  4 PagesThe presence of supernatural forces in William Shakespeare s, Macbeth, provides for much of the play s dramatic tension and the mounting suspense. Several supernatural apparitions throughout the play profoundly affect Macbeth and the evil forces eventually claim Macbeth and destroy his morals. Macbeth s ambition was driven by the prophecies of the three witches and unlike Banquo, he was willing to do anything to assure that they actually transpire. Macbeth is horrified at the notion of killi ng

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