Tuesday, December 24, 2019

William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay - 1324 Words

William Shakespeare’s famously philosophical play Hamlet epitomizes the revenge tragedy; the play’s characters are forced to act vengefully only to result in a bloody, dismal ending. The most obvious instance of revenge in the play is that of Hamlet against Claudius whom corruptly becomes the king of Denmark after he murders Hamlet’s father. Spurred by the ghost of the deceased king, Hamlet sways between moods of adamancy and half-hearted uncertainty in his quest to repay his father’s life, a task which proves complicated. Christian doctrine plays a key role in the play as it pervades Hamlet’s and the other revenge seekers’ lives and forces them to reconcile their actions with their moral obligations, tying together the idea of†¦show more content†¦The ghost takes advantage of this by demanding that Hamlet take action against Claudius â€Å"If thou didst ever thy dear father love† (1.5.24). Coupling the injustice of his father’s punishment in purgatory—Claudius having killed him before he had time to repent—with his filial obligation both innate and deemed by the Fifth Commandment, Hamlet is forced to seek vengeance. In his search for justice, Hamlet wavers between bouts of vigor and near enthusiasm, such as when he says, â€Å"Now could I drink hot blood / And do such bitter business as the day / Would quake to look on,† and dismay at his unwillingness to enact revenge, such as when he says, â€Å"O cursà ¨d spire / That ever I was born to set it right!† (3.2.333-35; 2.1.197-98). The reasons behind the reciprocal moods lie in the Bible. According to Numbers 35 and Deuteronomy 19, Hamlet is justified in seeking revenge since the law of Moses states that a man who has suffered the murder of kin is allowed to kill the culprit (Moore 1). In addition, Exodus 21:22-25 establishes the idea of lex talionis, an eye for an eye, which further accounts for Hamlet’s role as an avenger against the man who has slain his father. â€Å"This is most brave, / That I, the son of a dear father murdered, / Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell. . .,† Hamlet states in aShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet981 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is a historic writer that is well known and wrote many plays in his lifetime. In most of his plays, if not all, he has incorporated hidden meanings and messages. The majority of his hidden meanings are controversial topics of his time period. In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the controversial topic that is throughout the play is religion and the afterlife. Afterlife plays a big role in Hamlet and is discussed throughout the play. Multiple authors have written on the topic of afterlifeRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet964 Words   |  4 Pagesunsatisfactory situation. In William Shakespeares Hamlet, a characters inability to overcome their weakness due to it being emphasized by their unfortunate circumstance results in their tragic downfall. This is illustrated through Hamlets over thinking, Claudiuss ambition, and Gertrudes naive persona. Hamlets character is one that is very thoughtful and conscious, however some view these qualities as procrastination and over thinking. Even Hamlet himself acknowledges this inRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet745 Words   |  3 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet is a unique character due to his unpredictability. He is attempting to discover the truth in a way that no other character of Shakespeare’s has done. We find Hamlet in a state of deep melancholy due to the death of his father, as well as the very sudden and lewd marriage of his uncle and his mother. Hamlet is inspired by the player giving the speech about Hecuba witnessing the massacre of her husband, Priam. He goes off on his own, and he is bewilderedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1482 Words   |  6 PagesIn one of William Shakespeare’s most notorious plays, Hamlet, Shakespeare uses multiple scenes filled with drama to add a certain extreme dimension to the play. In a story filled with drama, such as Hamlet, an author attempts to use intense dialogue and actions in order to invoke personal emotions and feelings in the hearts of the audience. Shakespeare attempted to have the audience feel the pain that Hamlet experienced, sense the feelings of revenge that were deep in the heart of the prince, andRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1308 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, has deep meaning and sorrow to its story. It has one of the most famous soliloquies ever to be written in theater art, â€Å"To be, or not to be.† At first, reading Shakespeare’s writing seems difficult to understand and be interested in, but as the reader reads on and digs into the roots of the play, it truly grabs the reader’s attention and makes him/her want to know more of the thoughts behind Hamlet. Thus, the story of Hamlet begins and his personality shows throughoutRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet 2214 Words   |   9 PagesMadness within: Bipolar William Shakespeare had the uncanny ability to read people then put into words how individuals reacted with one another. His most known playwright is â€Å"Hamlet†. Hamlet leads the opening of the play with grandeur; but, when his father’s ghost of comes to visit him telling of Hamlet’s uncle Claudius killed him. Hamlet schemes a plan pursuing revenge. Hamlet demonstrates depression exceptionally, in the presence of his mother and Uncle Claudius. Shakespeare’s character likely labeledRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Essay751 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet might well claim to be Shakespeares most famous play because of its language and the charm of its central character. Shakespeare wrote some thirty-eight plays. Taken individuallyRead More William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1277 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet has been praised and revered for centuries as one of William Shakespeares best known and most popular tragedies. Based on its popularity, critics alike have taken various viewpoints and theories in order to explain Hamlets actions throughout the play. The psychoanalytic point of view is one of the most famous positions taken on Hamlet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychoanalytic criticism is a type of literary criticism that analyzes and classifies many of the forms ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1172 Words   |  5 PagesHamlet is a complex story that uses many literary devices to help develop the characters in Hamlet. One dominant device is irony. The main plot of the story revolves around irony. Hamlet is a witty character and loves to use irony. Hamlet’s use of irony displays how he insults people, discovers useful information, and reveals his true character. The use of irony in this story helps to add depth to each character, which is why Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most complex stories. There are three typesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Essay2474 Words   |  10 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet When first introduced to Hamlet he is a character full of pain and confusion, still mourning his father’s death, ‘But two months dead-nay, not so much, not two’.[1] The punctuation here highlights Hamlet’s anguish. Significantly, Hamlet is already portrayed as a misfit, as no one else within the court but Hamlet is wearing mourning clothes; in Shakespeare’s time it would have been worn for at least a year following the death of a king.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Stress Management Introduction Free Essays

Stress is a stage produced by a change in the environment that is perceived as challenging, threatening or damaging to the person’s dynamic balance or equilibrium. It is a natural part of life but Hans Selye defines it as â€Å"the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. † That means good things (for example, a job promotion) to which we must adapt (termed eustress) and bad things (for example, the death of a loved one) to which we must adapt (termed distress). We will write a custom essay sample on Stress Management Introduction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other individuals explain stress as a person’s physical and psychological reaction to the demands in his or her life. Furthermore, Selye was really onto something. His research proved so interesting and important that he drew a large number of followers. One of these was A. T. W Simeons who related evolution to psychosomatic disease. He also stated that when our self- esteems to threatened, the brain prepares the body with the fight-or-flight response. People use the word â€Å"stress† in various ways: as an external force that causes a person to become tense or upset, as the internal state of arousal, and as the physical response of the body to various demands. In other words, the body reacts to stressors – the things that upset or excite us – in the same way, whether they are positive or negative. In addition, it is further characterized as: (1) it is a product of unpleasant environment emanating from negative experience, (2) it is a person’s response to chaotic set of environment and (3) it is a gap between the requirements of a situation and the ability to meet such. Background of the study In 2008, Reynolds and Turner believed that stress is a multifaceted phenomenon that may even have beneficial effects in some cases. Other researchers have added to the work of Cannon, Selye, Simeons, and others to shed more light on the relationship of stress to body processes. With this understanding has come a better appreciation of which illnesses and diseases are associated with stress and how to prevent these conditions from developing. Others also helped clarify the effects of stress. Stewart Wolf demonstrated its effects on digestive function; Lawrence Leshan studied its effects on the development of cancer; Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman identified relationship between stress and coronary heart diseases; and Wolf and Wolff studied stress and headaches. Others in fact have found ways of successfully treating people with stress-related illness. The ABC model which was formulated by Albert Ellis shows how distress is the result of our beliefs about events rather than of the events themselves. According to him, an activating event triggers people to form an irrational or negative belief about it, which in turn shapes the consequences and of the event. On the other hand, a stressor is any stimulus from internal or external environment which challenges the adaptation capabilities of an individual and places a strain upon the person resulting to a stressful reaction or illness. It has a potential of triggering a fight-or-flight response. As far as anyone can tell, internal psychological stressors are rare or even absent in most animals but present in humans. This stressor for which our bodies were evolutionarily trained is a threat to our safety. We encounter many different types of stressor. Some are environmental (toxins, heat, cold), some psychological (threats to self-esteem, depression), others sociological (unemployment, death of loved one), and still others philosophical (use of time, purpose in life). Now that you know what a stressor is and what stress reactivity is, it is time to define stress itself. Defining stress becomes a problem, even for the experts. Still another view of stress conceptualizes it as the difference between pressure and adaptability. That is, stress = pressure – adaptability. For our purpose, we will operationally define stress as the combination of a stressor and stress reactivity. Without both of these components, there is no stress. Dr. Hans Selye, one of the first people to study stress, divides people into 2 categories: racehorses and turtles. A racehorse loves to run and will die from exhaustion if it is corralled or confined in a small space. A turtle on the other hand will die from exhaustion if it is forced to run on a treadmill, moving too fast for its slow nature. We each have to find our own healthy stress level, somewhere between that of the racehorse and the turtle. The key in coping with stress is realizing that your perception and response to stressors are crucial. Changing the way you interpret the events or situations – a skill called â€Å"reframing† – can make all the difference. Physical reactions to stress are muscle tension, sweating, over alertness, dry mouth or throat, chest discomfort, sleep problems, fast and shallow breathing and butterflies in the stomach. Emotional reactions to stress are feeling under pressure, feeling tense and unable to relax, increased tearfulness, feelings of conflict, feeling mentally drained, frustration of aggression, fears of social embarrassment, being constantly frightened, increasing irritability/ complaining, lacking inability to feel pleasure and the Feeling of mentally drained. Dealing with the effects of stress, you can minimize many of the physical effects of stress by utilizing these single self-help techniques. For headache, have a warm bath or lie down quietly for a few hours to relieve it. For palpitations, breathe deeply and slowly to encourage your heartbeat to return to normal. For loss of appetite, eat small portions of food that you find appetizing and take your time eating. For rapid breathing, try â€Å"Breathing to Relax technique† by breathing slowly and deeply through your nose and out to your mouth, expanding your abdomen as you breathe in. For sweating, loosen tight garments and shed any extra layers of clothing. For increased urination, restrict your intake of fluid, especially tea and coffee, if you know you are going to be in a stressful situation and for reduce sex drive, explain to your partner that your loss of interest is temporary and not a rejection of him or her. To Manage stress one should (1) Get priorities right, (2) Exercise regularly, (3) Learn to delegate, (4) Make space for leisure time, (5) Try to develop a social network, (6) Have a proper breaks for meal, (7) Listen carefully to those around you, (8) Try to keep things in proportion, (9) Get to know yourself better and (10) Enjoy yourself, and your family and friends. Statement of the Problem 1. ) Why do people need to know the effects of stress to one’s health? 2. ) How does stress arise among people? 3. ) How can people deal with stress? 4. ) How can stress be evaluated? 5. Why do college students more prone to stress than high school students? Objectives of the study This study aims: 1. ) To distinguish the different effects of stress to one’s health/being. 2. ) To explain how stress arise among people/ individual. 3. ) To discuss several ways on how people can deal with stress. 4. ) To evaluate stress levels. 5. ) To differentiate college and high school student’s stress probability. Significance of the Study 1. ) Students. It will help them particularly the higher students (the colleges) because they experience several problems, financially, love life, wrong time management and more. Stress has a relation to their academic performance. 2. ) Workers. They experience work blues because of their doubts about their job, their co workers and more. It may be helpful to them. 3. ) Family. It will be helpful to them for different problems like for bills, foods, clothes and other things needed in the family makes the parents or the bread winner stress. 4. ) Government and other institution’s people. Since they are responsible for the welfare of the people, they are prone to stress. Different problems of the community were blamed to them, that’s why this is helpful to them. How to cite Stress Management Introduction, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Performance of UK Economy-Free-Sample for Students-Myassignment

Question: Choose a Country and intro the Economy Real GDP, GDP growth rate, Real GDP Capita analysis Define and explain how each indicator measures performance of the Economy. Answer: Introduction The United Kingdom (UK) economy ranks fifth as appraised by nominal GDP and ninth as accounted by GDP per capita in the globe. UKs service sector contributes to around 80% of total GDP in the economy. In addition, the aerospace, pharmaceutical and financial services industry plays a crucial function in contributing growth of this nation. The UKs GDP increased at lower rate by around 0.2% between 2016 and the first quarter of 2017. The growth of UKs GDP slowed down due to fall in retail and manufacturing industries, but the manufacturing and finance industries continues to grow at a higher rate. Another indicator that slowed this economys growth is inflation rate that rose by around 2.6% in 2017. Besides, the rate of unemployment in UK falls to 4.5% in 2017 from the previous year, which was 4.9%. This report reflects on how the macroeconomic indicators including GDP growth, rate of unemployment and inflation impacts on the countrys economic performance (Antal and Van den Bergh, 2013). Furthermore, UKs economic performance trend over the years has been discussed in this report. In addition, measures adopted by the UK government for achieving production output, full employment and stable price are also highlighted in this report. Discussion Analyzing growth rate in UK economy GDP is termed as the total value of products produced within the geographical border over a certain period. Real GDP is one of the macroeconomic indicators that measure the economic output value with respect to its change in price (Argy, 2013). GDP per capita measures the economic output of nation that deems on respective countries GDP with respect to its entire population. However, rise in per capita GDP signals improvement in living standards and productivity. Respective nations government uses this indicator for analyzing the purchasing power and growth of the economy. Growth rate in real GDP determines the change in economys GDP in terms of percentage over the years. Macroeconomic indicator determining UKs economic performance The countries consider real GDP as a good index in determining its performance as it involves the fluctuating product value expressed in terms of money (Chaiechi, 2012). However, it gives an idea about the total output of the nation with decrease in distortion because of certain factors including inflation and fluctuations in currency rate. Real GDP per capita is mainly adjusted for rate of inflation for determining the workforce productivity of the nation (Nalewaik, 2012). On the contrary, this indicator does not consider technology influence over the production output. Hence, these indicators help in comparing the countries production output and forecasting recession in an accurate manner. UK economys performance trends Recent data reflects that per capita GDP in UK in the year 2016 was 40,096 and 37,813 in the first quarter of 2017. This highlights on the fact that the GDP of this economy declines by 5.69% in the present year. The UKs real GDP growth rate averaged to 0.61% over the years. The service and retail sectors of UK contributed mainly to this slow GDP growth of UK (Denis and Kannan, 2013). This sector increased by 0.8% in 2016 but in the first quarter of 2017 the growth slowed down to 0.3%. In addition, UKs production sector has reduced to 0.4% in quarter 2 of 2017 from the previous year. Moreover, the deceleration in the above sectors occurred due to increase in prices. After Brexit, the currency value of UK decreased by nearly 15% to 20%. However, the GDP in UK showed a reduction of 0.7% from 2016 to 2017 and this reflects a downward trend of the nations current performance. The statistic reflects that real GDP growth rate increased every year except during recession phase. Thus, during this period the UKs GDP decreased by 4.3%, although in the year 2014 the GDP growth rate peaked to 3.1%. Figure 1: GDP PER CAPITA TREND IN UK FROM 2007-2017 Source: (Authors creation) Figure 2: GROWTH RATE OF REAL GDP IN UK FROM 2007-2017 Source: (As created by author) Measures adopted by UK government for achieving production output performance Productivity is a vital determinant of long- term nations growth rate. Productivity has a direct connection with the countrys living standards. However, increase in growth of productivity improves the nations living standards. This leads to the stronger growth of countrys GDP, which in turn decreases the budget deficit of the government and raises the tax revenues. UK s production output has stagnated since recession (Martin and Milas, 2013). In 2017, the production output level has been recorded to around 0.4% low, as it was earlier in 2007. The annual productivity growth rate of this economy in 2017 estimated to around 0.3%. Due to this low productivity level, the UKs government adopted certain measures in order to improve production output performance. The government of UK has designed 15-point plan of productivity for boosting nations productivity in future. They also proclaimed four-year commitment with the NPIF( National Productivity Investment Fund). Moreover, UKs government has implemented new industrial policies that includes that the market cannot fully dictate economys industrial structure (Rots and Maduko, 2014). The 15 measures that UKs government has adopted for designing the productivity plan are: The UK government has reduced corporation tax and income tax for incentivizing investment. They have improvised digital infrastructure in the firms that includes broadband speed and introduction of 4G. They strategized to invest more in energy sector in order to increase competition among the firms. The government of this nation also encouraged the firms in implementing advanced technology and recruiting skilled workforce. They also encourage the people to save more and invest in long term in order to raise the allowance of annual investment. Unemployment trends based on Unemployment rate Rate of unemployment refers to the jobless workforce percentage divided by total people in the workforce. Unemployment rate is considered as the lagging indicator and increase or decreases according to the economic conditions. Rate of unemployment and GDP growth of an economy is inversely related to each other. This means that increase in unemployment rate leads to fall in countrys GDP growth rate, which is stated by Okuns law (Levine, 2012). In addition, unemployment trends also depend on the economys rate of inflation. Therefore, Phillipss curve states that unemployment rate and inflation are inversely correlated. The UKs unemployment rate in 2017 fell to 4.5% from the previous year that accounted to 4.9%. Previous record reflects that UKs unemployment rate remained stable over the 10 years. UKs unemployment rate averaged to 7.10% over the years and this affected the GDP growth of the economy. Moreover, the decline in rate of unemployment resulted to increase in employment rate in the country. Therefore, decrease in unemployment rate enhances the UK real GDP growth rate. Figure 3: UK UNEMPLOYMENT RATE TREND FROM 2007-2017 Source: (As created by author) Types of Unemployment in UK economy Unemployment is basically divided into three parts namely structural, cyclical and frictional unemployment. Cyclical unemployment- It occurs when the goods overall demand in the country cannot bear full employment (Weale, 2015). The laborers become jobless due to depression in business cycle. However, as the output of the economy decreases, the business cycle declines and hence cyclical unemployment increases. Frictional unemployment- This situation results from turnovers in the labor market. It mainly occurs during the period when the employers are in search for jobs or transit in another job. Moreover, if the economy penetrates into phase of recession, frictional unemployment tends to reduce. It mainly exists in the country as disparity occurs between laborers and job. Structural unemployment- In this case, the rate remains high even after the recession period. Structural unemployment takes place due to advancement of technology and unskilled workforce in the industry (Mankiw, 2014). As the unskilled workers are unable to adopt the new technology, retrenchment takes place in the firms. Cyclical unemployment occurred in UK during the recession period. During this phase, the countries real GDP fell and production output of the firms also lowered. As a result, there occurs a decline in demand for laborers. Frictional unemployment always exists in UK as the individuals takes time in finding jobs. In addition, youth unemployment also exists in UK because of lack of skilled workers. Measures taken by the UK government for achieving full employment UK government have introduced Work program for replacing the schemes and projects of employment. It helps in providing personalized support to the applicant who in search for job. The government of UK also implemented Help to Work for those individuals who have done the work program and are still searching for job (Mishkin, 2012). The work coaches aid the individuals in knowing their needs and helping them to find the job and design their work plan. UKs government facilitates Youth in finding jobs through the introduction of Youth contract. This contract gives opportunities to the young people that include apprenticeships. They have also introduced Work Choice program for assisting the disabled people finding their jobs. The government adopted new policies for the older individuals who like to continue with the job even after retirement. Trends of Inflation based on Inflation rate Inflation occurs in an economy when the product price level rises and accordingly the currencies purchasing power falls. The Central Bank of every nation tries to bound inflation rate and evades deflation for keeping the economy running in a smooth way. The inflation rate of the nation is basically determined by consumer price index (CPI) that helps in tracking products prices over a particular period (Bils et al., 2012). The inflation trend in UK remained at steady level over the last ten years except in the year 2008 and 2011. The present inflation rate of UK accounts to 2.7%, which is quite high as compared to 2016 that recorded to1.6percentage. Figure 4: UK INFLATION RATE TREND FROM 2007-2017 Source: (As created by author) Explaining types and cause of inflation Inflation in economy is mainly classified into two parts namely demand-pull and cost-push inflation. Demand pull inflation arises when nation becomes nearer to full employment. Therefore, rise in economies aggregate demand leads to rise in product price level. However, it occurs due to trend in long run growth rate in the economy (Davig and Doh, 2014). Cost-push inflation occurs due to various factors that includes- increase in wages, prices of imports and raw material, low productivity and rise in taxes. In 2012, this economy has experienced increase in cost-push inflation because of currency depreciation against Euro. Cause of inflation in UK economy In this year, this nation has experienced rise in force of cost-push inflation. Despite low growth of the economy, this occurred due to rise in inflation rate (Gal, 2015). In addition, the factors that affected cost-push inflation are Sterling devaluation and increase in petrol prices. In 2017, the CPI level in UK recorded above the target level of 2% inflation rate. Government measure for achieving stable price Price stability is considered as the macroeconomic goal in stimulating the development of the economy. The monetary policy facilitates in keeping the price level stable (Mahadeva and Sterne, 2012). The central government of UK adopted certain macroeconomic policies for reaching the monetary equilibrium. The UKs government tries to keep the inflation rate below the target level that is 2% as it impacts on the performance of the economy. Moreover, the government tries to keep the interest rate high because this reduces the consumers saving. As a result, this pushes the products price level down and regulates the rate of inflation in the country. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above study that the health of every nation mainly depends on the macroeconomic indicators discussed in the above report. The present state of the UK nation highlights that growth rate of both real GDP and per capita GDP decreased from the last year. In 2017, the rate of inflation in UK increased from the preceding year and is above the target level, which is 2%. Although this nations unemployment rate in 2017 declined from the last year, the GDP growth rate increased by small rate. However, the UK government implements certain monetary policies to achieve full employment and stability in price level of the country. Thus, the government of this economy has adopted few measures for improving the health of the economy that was affected during the recession period. References Antal, M., Van den Bergh, J. C. (2013). Macroeconomics, financial crisis and the environment: Strategies for a sustainability transition.Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,6, 47-66. Argy, V. (2013).International macroeconomics: theory and policy. Routledge. Bils, M., Klenow, P. J., Malin, B. A. (2012). Reset price inflation and the impact of monetary policy shocks.The American Economic Review,102(6), 2798-2825. Chaiechi, T. (2012). Financial development shocks and contemporaneous feedback effect on key macroeconomic indicators: a post Keynesian time series analysis.Economic Modelling,29(2), 487-501. Davig, T., Doh, T. (2014). Monetary policy regime shifts and inflation persistence.Review of Economics and Statistics,96(5), 862-875. Denis, S., Kannan, P. (2013). The impact of uncertainty shocks on the UK economy. Gal, J. (2015).Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle: an introduction to the new Keynesian framework and its applications. Princeton University Press. Levine, L. (2012). Economic growth and the unemployment rate. Mahadeva, L., Sterne, G. (Eds.). (2012).Monetary policy frameworks in a global context. Routledge. Mankiw, N. G. (2014).Principles of macroeconomics. Cengage Learning. Martin, C., Milas, C. (2013). Financial crises and monetary policy: Evidence from the UK.Journal of Financial Stability,9(4), 654-661. Mishkin, F. S. (2012).Macroeconomics: Policy and practice. Pearson Education. Nalewaik, J. J. (2012). Estimating probabilities of recession in real time using GDP and GDI.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,44(1), 235-253. Rots, E., Maduko, F. (2014). MACROECONOMIC THEORY I. Tanveer Choudhry, M., Marelli, E., Signorelli, M. (2012). Youth unemployment rate and impact of financial crises.International journal of manpower,33(1), 76-95. Weale, M., Blake, A., Christodoulakis, N., Meade, J. E., Vines, D. (2015).Macroeconomic policy: inflation, wealth and the exchange rate(Vol. 8). Routledge.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

School free essay sample

What are some challenges of incorporating visual elements in technical instructions or manuals? The biggest challenge is when you use visuals elements you have to choose the right ones that are related to the subject or the topic you are writing about. It’s very important to choose carefully when using visual elements in manuals because you have to use ones that are specific to explain your points of the topic. Why are visuals important? It’s important because it will show how much you understand the topic you are explaining to others, and it will make it easy for the reader to understand what the writer is trying to explain. For an example, I am looking at a baby crib, and I don’t understand one or few of the steps, if there are some pictures it would be easy for me to look at the pictures and I can apply it to the crib, but if there are no images than I will be lost and It would take me longer. We will write a custom essay sample on School or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Are there times when it would be inappropriate to include visuals? Explain your answers. I bought my three years old son a crib, they have two parts of a manual the first one is explaining how to put the crib together but it has no images, so I tried so hard I got some of the crib right.I was made because I did not see any images to show me how to put the crib up; I was going to return the bed just because they did not include any images on how to do it. I do better when I see a picture than read the explanation, and it took me about two hours to get it but no luck. I looked in the box for the last time and I found the paper I was looking for, the one that has images on how to fix the crib step by step. It got the crib done within an hour and my baby boy was sleeping in it. I believe having visual elements in manuals is very important.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Minerals That Live on the Earths Surface

Minerals That Live on the Earth's Surface Geologists know about thousands of different minerals locked in rocks, but when rocks are exposed at the Earths surface and fall victim to weathering, just a handful of minerals remain. They are the ingredients of sediment, which over geologic time returns to sedimentary rock. Where the Minerals Go When the mountains crumble to the sea, all of their rocks, whether igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic, break down. Physical or mechanical weathering reduces the rocks to small particles. These break down further by chemical weathering in water and oxygen. Only a few minerals can resist weathering indefinitely: zircon is one and native gold is another. Quartz resists for a very long time, which is why sand, being nearly pure quartz, is so persistent. Given enough time even quartz dissolves into silicic acid, H4SiO4. But most of the silicate minerals that compose rocks turn into solid residues after chemical weathering. These silicate residues are what make up the minerals of the Earths land surface. The olivine, pyroxenes, and amphiboles of igneous or metamorphic rocks react with water and leave behind rusty iron oxides, mostly the minerals goethite and hematite. These are important ingredients in soils, but theyre less common as solid minerals. They also add brown and red colors to sedimentary rocks. Feldspar, the most common silicate mineral group and the main home of aluminum in minerals, reacts with water too. Water pulls out silicon and other cations (CAT-eye-ons), or ions of positive charge, except for aluminum. The feldspar minerals thus turn into hydrated aluminosilicates that are clays. Amazing Clays Clay minerals are not much to look at, but life on Earth depends on them. At the microscopic level, clays are tiny flakes, like mica but infinitely smaller. At the molecular level, clay is a sandwich made of sheets of silica tetrahedra (SiO4) and sheets of magnesium or aluminum hydroxide (Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3). Some clays are a proper three-layer sandwich, a Mg/Al layer between two silica layers, while others are open-face sandwiches of two layers. What makes clays so valuable for life is that with their tiny particle size and open-faced construction, they have very large surface areas and can readily accept many substitute cations for their Si, Al and Mg atoms. Oxygen and hydrogen are available in abundance. From the viewpoint of living cells, clay minerals are like machine shops full of tools and power hookups. Indeed, even the building blocks of life- amino acids and other organic molecules- are enlivened by the energetic, catalytic environment of clays. The Makings of Clastic Rocks But back to sediments. With the overwhelming majority of surface minerals consisting of quartz, iron oxides and clay minerals, we have the ingredients of mud. Mud is the geological name of a sediment that is a mixture of particle sizes ranging from sand size (visible) to clay size (invisible), and the worlds rivers steadily deliver mud to the sea and to large lakes and inland basins. That is where the clastic sedimentary rocks are born, sandstone and mudstone and shale in all their variety. The Chemical Precipitates When the mountains are crumbling, much of their mineral content dissolves. This material reenters the rock cycle in other ways than clay, precipitating out of solution to form other surface minerals. Calcium is an important cation in igneous rock minerals, but it plays little part in the clay cycle. Instead, calcium remains in the water, where it affiliates with carbonate ion (CO3). When it becomes concentrated enough in seawater, calcium carbonate comes out of solution as calcite. Living organisms can extract it to build their calcite shells, which also become sediment. Where sulfur is abundant, calcium combines with it as the mineral gypsum. In other settings, sulfur captures dissolved iron and precipitates as pyrite. There is also sodium left over from the breakdown of the silicate minerals. That lingers in the sea until circumstances dry up the brine to a high concentration, when sodium joins chloride to yield solid salt or halite. And what of the dissolved silicic acid? That too is extracted by living organisms to form their microscopic silica skeletons. These rain down upon the seafloor and gradually become chert. Thus every part of the mountains finds a new place in the Earth.

Friday, November 22, 2019

William the Conqueror and The Harrying of the North

William the Conqueror and The Harrying of the North The Harrying of the North was a campaign of brutal violence carried out in the north of England by King William I of England, in an attempt to stamp his authority on the region. He had recently conquered the country, but the north had always had an independent streak and he wasnt the first monarch to have to quell it; he was, however, to be famed as one of the most brutal. A question remains though: was it as brutal as legend has it, and can documents reveal the truth? The Problem of the North In 1066, William the Conqueror seized the crown of England thanks to victory at the Battle of Hastings and a brief campaign which led to the public submission of the country. He consolidated his hold in a series of campaigns which were effective in the south. However, north England had always been a wilder, less centralized place – earls Morcar and Edwin, who fought in the 1066 campaigns on the Anglo-Saxon side, had one eye on northern autonomy. William’s initial attempts to establish his authority there, which included three journeys around with an army, castles built and garrisons left, had been undone by multiple rebellions- from English earls to lower ranks- and Danish invasions. The Harrying of the North William concluded that harsher measures were needed, and in 1069 he marched up again with an army. This time he engaged in a protracted campaign euphemistically known now as the Harrying of the North. In practice, this involved sending troops out to kill people, burn buildings and crops, smash tools, seize wealth and devastate large areas. Refugees fled north and south, from the killing and the resultant famine. More castles were built. The idea behind the slaughter was to show conclusively that William was in charge, and that there was no one else who could come and aid anyone thinking of rebelling. It was around the same time that William stopped trying to integrate his followers into the existing Anglo-Saxon power structure, and decided on a full-scale replacement of the old ruling class with a new, loyal, one, another act which he would be infamous for in the modern age. The level of damage is very heavily disputed. One chronicle states there were no villages left between York and Durham, and it’s possible large areas were left uninhabited. The Domesday Book, created in the mid-1080s, may still show traces of the damage in the large areas of ‘waste’ in the region. However, there are modern, competing theories which argue that, given just three months during winter, William’s forces could not have caused as much carnage as they’re normally accused, and might instead have been probing for known rebels in secluded places, and the result was more a rapier thrust than a smashing of any and everyone. William was criticized for his methods of controlling England, particularly by the Pope, and the Harrying of the North might have been the event these complaints were chiefly about. It’s worth noting that William was both a man capable of this cruelty, but also concerned about his judgment in the afterlife, which led him to richly endow the church because of events like the Harrying. Ultimately, we will never know how much damage was caused and how you read William was other events becomes important. Orderic Vitalis Perhaps the most famous account of the Harrying comes from Orderic Vitalis, who began: â€Å"Nowhere else had William shown such cruelty. Shamefully he succumbed to this vice, for he made no effort to restrain his fury and punished the innocent and the guilty. In his anger he commanded that all crops and herds, chattels and food of every kind should be bought together and burned to aches with consuming fire, so that the whole region north of the Humber might be stripped of all means of sustenance. In consequence so serious a scarcity was felt in England, and so terrible a famine fell upon the humble and defenceless populace, that more than 100,000 Christian folk of both sexes, young and old alike, perished of hunger.† - Huscroft, The Norman Conquest, p. 144. The death toll cited is exaggerated. He went on to say: â€Å"My narrative has frequently had occasions to praise William, but for this act which condemned the innocent and guilty alike to die by slow starvation I cannot commend him. For when I think of helpless children, young men in their prime of life, and hoary grey beards perishing alike of hunger, I am so moved to pity that I would rather lament the griefs and sufferings of the wretched people than make a vain attempt to flatter the perpetrator of such infamy.† Bates, William the Conqueror, p. 128.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wal-Marts employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wal-Marts employees - Essay Example Given its big size and rapid expansion, Wal-Mart increasingly sets the standard for wages and benefits through the U.S. economy. Considering its market influence, the company sets the standards of what retailers pay to their workers. The problem is; this pay is not satisfactory enough for retail workers. It is interesting to note that for a company which averages $6.6 billion annual profit, the average hourly worker at Wal-Mart earns barely $18,000 annually (Karen, 602). Wal-Mart most of the time forces employees to work overtime without pay. Supervisors are pressured by company headquarters to keep payroll low, regularly deleted hours from time records and reports. As stated by Jennifer McLaughlin-one of the company’s employees-40% of the employees opt not to receive coverage under the company’s medical plan, which costs up to $2,844 annually. The company was also faced with sex discrimination lawsuit whereby it was accused on favoring male as compared to female when i t comes to promotions and equal pay (Karen, 605). In order to fight for their rights and to make their voices heard, workers launched a massive drive to organize a union at Wal-Mart, demanding better wages and working conditions. To counter the union drives, Wal-Mart’s management responded to the union drive by trying to stop workers from forming the union. This was against the federal labor law and in several accessions, the company had been declared guilty of interrogating workers confiscating union and firing union supporters by the National Labor Relations Board. For the company, the formation of the union will is a violation of the company’s policy (Singh and Neeraj, 65). To protect the bottom line Wal-Mart is as aggressive at fighting off unions as it is at cutting costs. The employees approached by co-workers about joining a union were scared to talk.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Asian American Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Asian American Arts - Essay Example Before one can analyze Jang's contribution, it is necessary to understand his background; this facilitates an appreciation of his influences. Jang began his musical journey one year before he turned twenty. At that time, he was trying to familiarize himself with basic piano skills. Shortly after, he joined a Music School called Oberlin Conservatory where he sharpened his piano skills and learnt how to compose songs. This artist completed his studies after three years and received a degree in music. It is also worth noting that the artist was born in America; specifically in Los Angeles and was subsequently raised in California. However, Jang still stayed in touch with his Chinese roots. He draws from his experiences as an immigrant Asian American but at the same time acknowledges the issues addressed in other forms of music such as social injustice in African American musical expressions. (Jon Jang, 2002) During his performances in San Francisco, Jang highlights some of the hidden facts about China town. This was especially because the Festival had been organized as a way of paying homage to the efforts made by Alice Yu in China town. Jang has an amazing way of showing his appreciation and respect for historical times that may have been forgotten or those ones which had never been mentioned before. This is because he unearthed some songs like Reparations now and Tiananmen at a Jazz Orchestra. (Jon Jang, 2002) Despite intensive tu... Some enthusiasts have called Jang's music 'two flowers on a stem' because they believe he has stayed true to his traditions yet at the same time has encouraged creativity through improvising his dual cultural identities. (Jon Jang, 2002) Jang's creativity has been employed by numerous entities in the world of classical music. For instance he did some work for The Library Congress, thereafter; he did some compositions for Chanticleer and Kronos quartet. Some of his compositions have also been presented in theatres; he wrote a composition for 'The Woman Warrior'. (Jon Jang, 2002) In an effort to complement his contributions to the Asian American musical scene, Jang has received an award from his former conservatory. He has also received a Golden ring award and has also been nominated severally by Cal Arts. Furthermore, Jang has been appreciated by the Ford Foundation for the immense contributions he made to American music. One cannot cover all the events that Jang has participated; in his capacity as a pianist, Jang has been to; -Europe -Canada -South Africa -The US One of the major highlights of these tours was his performance at the Arts Alive Festival in South Africa. While performing, Jang collaborated with Max Roach. Jang has also had the pleasure of performing in the London Royal Festival. Additionally, he has been to Berlin, Zurich and Milan in his capacity as an artist. Paul Robeson has appreciated Jang's work and so did the president of the Republic of China. There are also numerous collaborations done by this highly versatile artist. The major artist he has worked with is Max Roach. He has also joined forces with David Murray, James Newton and Maxine Hong. (Jon Jang, 2002) Not only has Jang done some

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Long-Range Goals Essay Example for Free

Long-Range Goals Essay Every one of us builds dreams and creates goals of our own. And those goals and aspirations are frequently rooted on our desires, wants and wishes, which depend on our personal experiences and current situations in life. My long-range personal goals revolve on three vital things: academics, professional and financial matters. Academic goals focus on my desire to graduate from college and to pursue further education. In fact, I am the first one in the family who is going to obtain a diploma. I am currently in my freshman taking general courses and a major course in Accounting. However, because I have come up with a realization lately, I now desire to become a Math teacher. In order to achieve it, I have to change my major courses. Therefore I am going to enlist in courses under the Teaching Program. Right after college I plan to have my Masters Degree on Education in order for me to achieve my academic goal. My professional visions center on my desire to become the person I yearn for my self to be: a Math teacher. I need to fulfill the responsibilities of being one. I have to teach diligently and faithfully the subject I am required to teach. Moreover, I have to maintain proper order and discipline in the classroom. I have to maintain an approachable and amiable atmosphere with my students. I am going to share them learning that would be kept in tact in their heart and mind. My financial goals center on my vision to earn for my education and for my family and to have a stable career so that I would have a steady source of income. Currently, I work as a part-time employee. I do my job three days in a week to support myself especially my education and to sustain my family because my father has no job and my mother is mentally ill. Even though I am employed, I can definitely say that I am a full-time student because I never get absent to class and I do my schoolwork and projects. At present, I live in a Project I really hate to live in. I believe that the only way for me to have a better life is for me to be educated. I desire for my dreams and visions to come true and I know that education is the ultimate key in reaching them. My character, perseverance and wisdom are the supporting factors that go hand in hand with education.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Primary Behavior Changes and Cide Effects of LSD Essay -- Chemistry Ch

Primary Behavior Changes and Cide Effects of LSD LSD (D lysergic acid diethylamide) is a very potent synthetic hallucinogen. It is manufactured from lysergic acid, found in ergot, which is a fungus that grows on grains. In its original form, LSD is a white or clear, odorless, water soluble crystal that can be crushed into a powder and dissolved. LSD goes by the street name â€Å"acid† or â€Å"blotter† and is sold in tablets, capsules and sometimes liquid form. Oftentimes LSD is added to absorbent paper and sold in individual squares or â€Å"doses† which are then dissolved on the tongue. LSD is an extremely potent mood changing chemical. A person’s subjective world changes drastically once LSD is taken (Blacker, Jones, Stone, & Pfefferbaum, 1968). Users refer to their experience with LSD as a â€Å"trip.† These experiences generally begin about 30 to 90 minutes after taking the drug, and last from 6 to 12 hours. LSD is sometimes described as a drug that breaks down barriers, but the results of taking LSD are complex and variable. Every trip is different and users show a wide range of reactions (Terrill, 1964). The first signs of LSD are usually physical, and can include dilated pupils, salivation, sweating and nausea, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, tremors, dry mouth, chills, raised body temperature, rapid heartbeat and elevated blood pressure. As the trip progresses, one’s mood, perceptions and sensations become affected (Palfai & Jankiewicz, 2001). In the first phase of the trip there may be abnormal body sensations, changes in mood, space and time distortions and visual hallucinations (Palfai & Jankiewicz, 2001). Time may seem to stand still, or race forward or backward... ... lasting LSD side effect [Letter to the editor]. American Journal of Psychiatry, pp. 1233-1234. Blacker, K.H., Jones, R.T., Stone, G.C.,& Pfefferbaum, D. (1968). Chronic users of LSD: the â€Å"acidheads.† American Journal of Psychiatry, 125, 341-351. LSD JustFacts. (n.d). Retrieved February 8, 2005, from http://www.cesar.umd.edu/cesar/jf/drugs/lsd.asp Pahnke, W. (1967, March). LSD and religious experience. Paper presented to a public symposium at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. Palfai, T., & Jankiewicz, H. (2001). Drugs and human behavior (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Terrill, J.(1964). LSD, the consciousness expanding drug. New York: David Solomon. Ungerleider, J.T., Fisher, D.D., Fuller, M., & Caldwell, A. (1968). The â€Å"bad trip.† The etiology of the adverse LSD reaction. American Journal of Psychiatry, 124, 1483-1490.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Unforgettable Experience

RESUME SITI SHADILA BINTI ABU SEMAN 1313A, JALAN BPJ 2/24, BANDAR PUTERI JAYA, 08000 SG. PETANI, KEDAH DARUL AMAN Phone Number : 017 – 5810497 Email Address : [email  protected] com PERSONAL PARTICULARS Marital Status : SingleNationality: Malaysian Date of Birth: September 15, 1990 Age: 22 years old Place of Birth: Kedah Religion: Islam EDUCATION [ 2008 – 2011 ] Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO) Diploma in Banking and Finance CGPA : 3. 16 [ 2003 – 2007 ] Sekolah Menengah Keb.Jabi SPM 2A , 4B, 1C with distinctions in Bahasa Malaysia and English WORK EXPERIENCE [ 2011 – 2012] Clerk at MIJ ENTERPRISE Exposure gained : ? Incharged of payroll functions ? Involved in sales functions ? Overall controlling and monitoring of delivery order documentation ? Monitoring of inventory level [ 2011 ] Work at Amassurance as a promoter. ( About saving account ). Exposure gained : ? Find prospect and approach for saving accounts opening . Monitoring and filing customer forms . [ January – June 2010 ] Practical Training at SOCIAL SECURITY ORGANISATION ( SOCSO ) Exposure gained : ? Data entry of cases using ‘SIKAP’ software provided by SOCSO. ?Filing, control and maintain all documentation records. ? Prepare and follow-up FCLB ‘Faedah Caruman Lewat Bayar’ letter to the employer which late paying fund. ? Involved in auditing employers contribute fund records ( outdoor job ) EXTRA – CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES [2008 – 2011] Politeknik Ungku Omar Member of Counselling Club [ 2006 – 2007 ] Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan – School Prefect – Treasurer of the Prefect Club – Chairman of the Club Account and Trading Club – Member of the Netball Club SKILLS / STRENGTHS ? Proficient in Microsoft Word , Power Point and Excel. ? Driving Licence – B2 ? Fluent in written and speaking Bahasa Malaysia. ? Able to converse and write in English REFERENCES Tuan Haji Shafie Bin Hamzah Encik Ahmad Suzai mie Bin Abdul AzizHead of Financial and Banking Department Assistant Manager Ungku Omar Polytechnic Wisma PERKESO Jalan Musa Mahadi Jalan Teluk Wan Jah 31400 Ipoh, Perak 05200 Alor Setar, Kedah Tel : 05 – 54557656 Tel : 04 – 7746666 ———————– WORK EXPERIENCE WORK EXPERIENCE WORK EXPERIENCE Unforgettable Experience Instructions: Read the following stories in ‘A Sense of Belonging’ and write a response to the question(s) related to each story. The Test Who has a stronger personality? Marian or Mrs Ericson? Give evidence from the text to support your answer. Marian has a stronger personality in this story. From the very beginning we can see that within Marian is persistence and perseverance – despite failing once, she still goes ahead and tries for the test again, and despite knowing that she failed the previous time because of the examiner’s prejudice against her, she still tries again. In addition, when Mrs Ericson suggests that she â€Å"slips them a little something†, she refuses, showing that she’d rather fail with integrity than attempt to bribe the examiners – which may or may not work against her. We see that Mrs Ericson constantly attempts to look at the brighter side of things – constantly telling Marian that she will do fine, not seeming to look at possible other reasons why Marian failed the first time – even when Marian pointed out to her about the ‘mistakes’. During the test, Marian’s tolerance is tested – the inspector constantly jibes at her, stereotyping her by her ethnicity. When he asks for her age, he mentions that she was ‘old enough to have a flock of pickaninnies’. ‘Pickaninnies’ referred to children of black descent, and the usage of ‘flock’ shows that he was trying to prove black people as an inferior race, as he uses ‘flock’, which is usually used with cattle. Despite knowing that she was getting insulted as an inferior race, she kept quiet, and this can be seen as an attempt to keep one’s cool, to stay in control so that no further trouble would be caused. He also jibes at the fact that she ‘ain’t Southern’, and even the fact that she’s supposed to be unable to read – all because of her race, and Marian puts up with it well, only showing a small sign of anger, as seen at â€Å"Her voice was not quite steady. † To be able to put up with all the racial insults as much as possible shows her strong personality, to be able to accept reality also shows a strength of her personality, as accepting reality makes her attempt the driving test again. | A Sense of Belonging Write a response to the following statements. The story follows a straightforward chronological order, has simple plot, style, characterisation and setting, uses no flashbacks or twists, and is making a very obvious point. A simple incident, simply told, can be very effective. Despite its faults, this story is successful. The story follows a chronological order, however, it starts off with a few flashbacks to introduce characters and personalities. For example, the introduction of Sharon and Pari’s friendship was introduced through a flashback, and the introduction of how Mr Morley made Pari ‘feel different’ was also made through a flashback. The story is told simply, about Pari’s struggle as a Maori to feel the sense of belonging that she needed, and instead of going through a hysterical amount of events to feel at home, it was only a simple incident – A customer refused her service because she was Maori, and everyone stands up for her, and thus she feels as part of the team. Despite its fault, the story is definitely successful as the effect is achieved. | A Sound of Thunder Read the story again, looking specifically for ‘seeds’ or clues to later events and list them down in note form with brief comments. The first ‘seed’ is planted when the author brings in the sign outside of Time Safari. This sign would later be revisited at the end of the story, with many spelling mistakes, showing the changes that had occurred. Another seed was planted when the current president was mentioned, as at the end, the ‘current’ president had changed as well. However, the main ‘seed’ that was planted was the idea that there would be a chain reaction – kill one being of the past and many changes would occur. It was explained that killing one mouse could possibly kill an entire nation or an entire race, due to the chain reaction. Later on, Eckels steps off the pathway and kills a butterfly – inadvertently causing the future to change, and causing a different president to be elected with the chain reaction. | ————————————————- Comment on the relative importance of each of the basic five elements (theme, plot, character, setting and style) in the story. The theme of the story is the importance of all actions made by people – direct interventions that could cause major impacts in the future. In the story, we see a direct intervention made to the past – Eckels killed a butterfly by accident, which triggered a chain effect and caused a different president to be elected. This is an important aspect as the story follows on this theme closely. The plot was simple, yet revolved around a complex concept of changing time and history. This is also rather important as it aided in the understanding of the paradox involved if time and history was altered by a person’s direct intervention. It allows an easier understanding of the butterfly effect and the domino effect. The characters in the story were each essential. Firstly, the bumbling Eckels served as a crucial aspect of the story, as the main character of the story. He is somewhat of a daredevil, yet he is afraid of challenges. His reckless attitude with his fear caused the entire trip back in time to go haywire as he steps off the pathway in panic and triggers the chain reaction. He is also somewhat childish, naive even, when he asks if it was possible to bring the butterfly back and bring it back to life. Travis serves as a more level headed character, much knowledgeable and wise, yet cruelly rash, contrasting to Eckels’ childish behaviour. Lesperance often tells Travis to calm down, which is rather essential as without Lesperance, Travis probably could have left Eckels back in time and changed a lot more than needed. The story was set in 2055, when time travel was apparently possible. This would open the readers to assume a lot more possibilities, as to why Eckels behaved in such a reckless and childish manner, and to the possibilities of overriding a paradox as explained by Lesperance. The story was written with many descriptions, and ideas were embedded in the reader’s minds near the beginning. We are introduced to the concept of the domino effect early in the story, and the concept of a paradox, alongside the concept of the impossibility of it. Later this idea grows when – firstly, Eckels steps off the path and kills a butterfly, resulting in a dramatic change in the future, secondly, the inability to change things back to normal, as explained earlier in the story – Time does not allow one man to meet himself, and thus, even if the team travels back, they are unable to meet themselves, or stop the damage. This leads to the end, where Travis shoots Eckels rashly to pay for his ‘minor’ mistake. | Unforgettable Experience Instructions: Read the following stories in ‘A Sense of Belonging’ and write a response to the question(s) related to each story. The Test Who has a stronger personality? Marian or Mrs Ericson? Give evidence from the text to support your answer. Marian has a stronger personality in this story. From the very beginning we can see that within Marian is persistence and perseverance – despite failing once, she still goes ahead and tries for the test again, and despite knowing that she failed the previous time because of the examiner’s prejudice against her, she still tries again. In addition, when Mrs Ericson suggests that she â€Å"slips them a little something†, she refuses, showing that she’d rather fail with integrity than attempt to bribe the examiners – which may or may not work against her. We see that Mrs Ericson constantly attempts to look at the brighter side of things – constantly telling Marian that she will do fine, not seeming to look at possible other reasons why Marian failed the first time – even when Marian pointed out to her about the ‘mistakes’. During the test, Marian’s tolerance is tested – the inspector constantly jibes at her, stereotyping her by her ethnicity. When he asks for her age, he mentions that she was ‘old enough to have a flock of pickaninnies’. ‘Pickaninnies’ referred to children of black descent, and the usage of ‘flock’ shows that he was trying to prove black people as an inferior race, as he uses ‘flock’, which is usually used with cattle. Despite knowing that she was getting insulted as an inferior race, she kept quiet, and this can be seen as an attempt to keep one’s cool, to stay in control so that no further trouble would be caused. He also jibes at the fact that she ‘ain’t Southern’, and even the fact that she’s supposed to be unable to read – all because of her race, and Marian puts up with it well, only showing a small sign of anger, as seen at â€Å"Her voice was not quite steady. † To be able to put up with all the racial insults as much as possible shows her strong personality, to be able to accept reality also shows a strength of her personality, as accepting reality makes her attempt the driving test again. | A Sense of Belonging Write a response to the following statements. The story follows a straightforward chronological order, has simple plot, style, characterisation and setting, uses no flashbacks or twists, and is making a very obvious point. A simple incident, simply told, can be very effective. Despite its faults, this story is successful. The story follows a chronological order, however, it starts off with a few flashbacks to introduce characters and personalities. For example, the introduction of Sharon and Pari’s friendship was introduced through a flashback, and the introduction of how Mr Morley made Pari ‘feel different’ was also made through a flashback. The story is told simply, about Pari’s struggle as a Maori to feel the sense of belonging that she needed, and instead of going through a hysterical amount of events to feel at home, it was only a simple incident – A customer refused her service because she was Maori, and everyone stands up for her, and thus she feels as part of the team. Despite its fault, the story is definitely successful as the effect is achieved. | A Sound of Thunder Read the story again, looking specifically for ‘seeds’ or clues to later events and list them down in note form with brief comments. The first ‘seed’ is planted when the author brings in the sign outside of Time Safari. This sign would later be revisited at the end of the story, with many spelling mistakes, showing the changes that had occurred. Another seed was planted when the current president was mentioned, as at the end, the ‘current’ president had changed as well. However, the main ‘seed’ that was planted was the idea that there would be a chain reaction – kill one being of the past and many changes would occur. It was explained that killing one mouse could possibly kill an entire nation or an entire race, due to the chain reaction. Later on, Eckels steps off the pathway and kills a butterfly – inadvertently causing the future to change, and causing a different president to be elected with the chain reaction. | ————————————————- Comment on the relative importance of each of the basic five elements (theme, plot, character, setting and style) in the story. The theme of the story is the importance of all actions made by people – direct interventions that could cause major impacts in the future. In the story, we see a direct intervention made to the past – Eckels killed a butterfly by accident, which triggered a chain effect and caused a different president to be elected. This is an important aspect as the story follows on this theme closely. The plot was simple, yet revolved around a complex concept of changing time and history. This is also rather important as it aided in the understanding of the paradox involved if time and history was altered by a person’s direct intervention. It allows an easier understanding of the butterfly effect and the domino effect. The characters in the story were each essential. Firstly, the bumbling Eckels served as a crucial aspect of the story, as the main character of the story. He is somewhat of a daredevil, yet he is afraid of challenges. His reckless attitude with his fear caused the entire trip back in time to go haywire as he steps off the pathway in panic and triggers the chain reaction. He is also somewhat childish, naive even, when he asks if it was possible to bring the butterfly back and bring it back to life. Travis serves as a more level headed character, much knowledgeable and wise, yet cruelly rash, contrasting to Eckels’ childish behaviour. Lesperance often tells Travis to calm down, which is rather essential as without Lesperance, Travis probably could have left Eckels back in time and changed a lot more than needed. The story was set in 2055, when time travel was apparently possible. This would open the readers to assume a lot more possibilities, as to why Eckels behaved in such a reckless and childish manner, and to the possibilities of overriding a paradox as explained by Lesperance. The story was written with many descriptions, and ideas were embedded in the reader’s minds near the beginning. We are introduced to the concept of the domino effect early in the story, and the concept of a paradox, alongside the concept of the impossibility of it. Later this idea grows when – firstly, Eckels steps off the path and kills a butterfly, resulting in a dramatic change in the future, secondly, the inability to change things back to normal, as explained earlier in the story – Time does not allow one man to meet himself, and thus, even if the team travels back, they are unable to meet themselves, or stop the damage. This leads to the end, where Travis shoots Eckels rashly to pay for his ‘minor’ mistake. |

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hrm Challenges in Staffing

EMGT N441: Human Resource and Relation Management Scenario: This task requires you to work in teams of three or four students to prepare a report and then deliver a 15- 20 minute presentation to your teacher and your peers. Due date: Week 8 Assessment weighting: 20% (50 marks for the group report and 50 marks for the presentation) Guidelines: 1. With reference to the HRM topics discussed in weeks four, five and six in your EMGT N441 class, choose any one of the HRM topics. Analyze the selected topic with reference to the UAE. Submit a group report including the following requested information.A. A general overview of the topic chosen by your group. B. Critical evaluation of the topic you have chosen. Your evaluation of the importance of the topic in the UAE business environment. C. State what you think are 3 current HRM challenges for the UAE with reference to the selected topic. D. Provide at least 3 academic references and 2 industry examples to show that you have applied your acad emic knowledge to industry. E. Give 3 detailed recommendations for improvement (remember to provide supporting evidence). The report should be in the range of 2000 to 2500 words. . The report then should also be converted into a power point presentation. The presentation requires between 6 and 8 PowerPoint slides. Each of your group members will be required to equally participate in the presentation of 15 to 20 minutes duration. 3. At the end of the presentation the audience/teacher will ask the presentation team 3 questions. Please be confident of your subject material and be prepared to justify any statements that you made in your presentation. Follow the attached marking scheme to complete all sections of the report and the presentation.Key to grading criteria Late Assessment Guidelines Guidelines for Late Submission of Coursework Assessments Preamble Due dates for submission of all college-based coursework assessments are set on the portal and confirmed in class a week before th e due date. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure s/he submits the assignment to the class teacher at the stated time. Policy In the absence of extenuating circumstances, a student who does not submit a course-work assessment on the due date will receive a zero grade for that assignment.If extenuating circumstances apply, the student has to submit valid documentation to the Department Chair within seven days of the missed assessment. Procedure 1. Students who miss (or expect to miss) the due date for a coursework assessment due to extenuating circumstances must meet the Department Chair (or AF) to submit the relevant documentation (application form and document detailing the reason for the late submission). 2. The Chair will decide if extenuating circumstances apply and may give permission for a late submission of the assessment. This date is not negotiable. 3.Students who have no acceptable explanation for submitting late will receive a grade of zero. Missed Assessment Guidelines Preamble Dates for all in- class and system wide assessments are set on the portal and confirmed in class a week before the assessment. Other than illness or unforeseen emergency, there should be no reason for a student to miss an in class assessment or turn up late. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure s/he arrives in good time for an assessment on the correct day. Policy: In the absence of extenuating circumstances, a student who misses an in-class timed assessment (test) will receive a mark of zero.In exceptional circumstances, approval to take a missed assessment at another time may be given by the Program Chair. Where a student disagrees with the Chair’s decision they have the right of final appeal to the Director through the Dean. Procedure: There are no college-wide procedures. Each instance will be dealt with on a case by case basis by the individual Chair of the department. In the Business department, approved students to take missed assessmen ts must inquire about the calendar for make-up assessments. Failure to appear on the rescheduled day will result in a new missed assessment process.Academic Honesty Cheating is an attempt to gain grades dishonestly. It is important that you read page 10 of the Students Handbook, paying attention to the Definition of Cheating as well as the practical examples. Plagiarism is copying and the presentation of someone’s work as your own. This could be from another student’s assignment/projects, books or the Internet. This can be either intentional or unintentional (did not know it was necessary to reference material used in essays or written assignment). Plagiarism is also considered as a form of cheating and the penalty for cheating is outlined in student Handbook. Any student found guilty of cheating will be dismissed by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the College Director. A record of this shall be entered in the student’s official record and transcrip t†. You will be requested to read and sign the Academic Honesty policy document. When you sign this you will be confirming that you understand the policy and the consequences of breaching it. Further information on HCT policies and procedures can be found in your HCT catalogue or on the web catalogue at: http://www. ct. ac. ae/publications_and_reports/aspx/student_handbook. aspx Referencing Guidelines Sharjah HCT business courses use both APA and MLA referencing style depending on the program level. Information on referencing can be found on the Referencing page of the Sharjah Colleges ILC Website: http://shct. hct. ac. ae/sites/library_site/referencing. html This page provides links to   the Sharjah Colleges APA and MLA referencing and style guides and to NoodleTools, a web-based service for storing and formatting references.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Schooling Essays

Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Schooling Essays Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Schooling Essay Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Schooling Essay Homeschooling is an education option for children which means that the children do not have to go to school to study, but they study in their own home by the guidance of their parents or tutors. This education option is recognized and also accepted in many countries. For example in Indonesia there is a law that protects and accepts informal education such as homeschooling. It is written in UU No 20/2003 about Education National System article 27. In the past, some parents belive that it was not a good ideas to give the children homeschooling because they were worried if they give their children homeschooling then their children’s knowledge will not develop as good as other children who take common schools. Nowadays people seems to change their mind, they started to think about giving their children homeschooling. About 1, 35 million USA children in 2007 take homeshooling (Kompas news paper), and even more in present. In some parents’ opinion, they gave their children ho meschooling because they want to prevent their children from bullying that often happens in common schools. There are two advantages of giving children homeschooling. The first advantage that many parents think before they give their children homeschooling is that they want to prevent their children from aggressive environment for example is students bullying because so many cases about bullying that happens in school even though it had not been report in media. Usually the younger or smaller kids who become the victims of the older kids’ bad attitude, this can happen because in common schools the students are not in the same ages. There are age gaps among them and due to the age gaps, the bully action might happen because the older students see the younger students as weak people that will not fight back to the older students if they hurt them. This is what the parents are worried because they cannot always protect their children if their children take public scho

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Words Used to Describe Food

Words Used to Describe Food The words below are some of the most important used to talk about how food tastes, the condition it is in, and how we cook. Practice the sentences and learn how to talk about your food.   Food Condition fresh - Sushi always requires fresh fish.off - Im afraid this cheese tastes off.raw - Sushi is made from raw fish as well as vegetables, seaweed, and rice.  ripe - Make sure the bananas are ripe so I can use them in the cake.rotten - This meat smells rotten. I think we should throw it away.tough - The steak was very tough. I could hardly chew it!tender - The lamb was so tender that it seemed to melt in my mouth.undercooked - The undercooked salmon was very poor.unripe - Many types of fruit are picked unripe and become ripe as they are shipped.overcooked - The broccoli was overcooked. It should have been crisper.   Food Verbs bake - Ill bake a cake for her birthday party.boil - You should boil these potatoes for forty-five minutes.cook - What would you like me to cook for dinner?fry - I usually fry some eggs and bacon on Saturday mornings.grill - During the summer I like to grill meat outside.heat - Heat up the soup and make some sandwiches.microwave - Microwave the macaroni for three minutes and eat.poach - Jennifer prefers to poach her eggs.roast - Lets put this in the oven and roast for two hours.steam - The best way to cook many vegetables is to steam them for a few minutes. Food Quantities bar - Melt one bar of butter for the sauce.liter - Ill put a liter of water on to boil for the pasta.loaf - I bought three loaves of bread at the supermarket.  lump - Put of a lump of butter on top of the casserole to make it tasty.piece - Would you like a piece of chicken?pint - I drank a pint of ale at the pub.portion - Have you eaten your portion of vegetables today?slice - Please put three slices of cheese on my sandwich.spoonful - Add two spoonfuls of sugar to sweeten. Food Taste bitter - The almonds were very bitter. I could hardly eat the cookies.bland - This sauce is very bland. It doesnt taste like anything.creamy - I enjoy eating creamy tomato soup on cold winter days.crisp - The apple was crisp and delicious.  crunchy - Granola is a very crunch type of breakfast cereal.hot - The soup is hot. Let it cool down.mild - The spices are very mild.  salty - The sauce was much too salty. I think you should add some water and boil it down.savory - Savory crackers with cheese make a great snack.  sour - Lemons are very sour!spicy - Greg enjoys eating spicy Mexican food.  sweet - The cherry pie wasnt too sweet. It was just right.  tasteless - The vegetables have been cooked for too long. Theyre tasteless. Food Types barbecue - Do you enjoy barbecue during the summer?buffet - We went to an Indian buffet and had all we could eat.four-course meal - My wife and I enjoy making four-course meals on special occasions.picnic - Lets take a picnic to the park and enjoy the good weather.snack - You should eat a snack at four, but dont eat too much.TV dinner - TV dinners are disgusting but fast. Eating and Drinking bite - Dont bite off more meat than you can comfortably chew.chew - You should chew each bite well before you swallow.swallow - If you swallow too much you might choke on your food.sip - Its best to slowly sip a cocktail rather than gulp it down.guzzle - He guzzled a glass of water after he finished the job.gulp down - He hungrily gulped down the meal as he was very hungry. Preparing Drinks add - Add two shots of whiskey and some rum.fill - Fill the glass with ice.mix - Mix in a teaspoon of sugar.pour - Pour your drink over ice cubes.  shake - Shake the drink well and pour into a glass.stir - Stir the ingredients well and enjoy with your favorite seafood.   If you know all of these words, try the advanced level food vocabulary page to really expand your vocabulary. Teachers can use this lesson about food to help students plan a meal of their own.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Information security in wireless local area networks Essay

Information security in wireless local area networks - Essay Example Man in the Middle (MitM) is a real information security concern for the Wireless Local Area Networks. In the MitM attack, address of the proxy server changes with any fake address and hacks the wireless network in the form of traffic tunnelling, proxy attack, DNS poisoning, and rout mangling. This paper also outlined the solution of the major information security issues through the development of the techniques and protocols. Alloy model is the core focus in this paper, which contains the written code. Execution of this code is verified whether it met the expected function. Development of these techniques and protocols is aimed to ensure the data integrity and security. C# is the core programming language for the client side and PHP programming is used for the server side. Model checking involved the testing of the written features of the application in terms of verification of the descriptions. Static analysis, deductive verification, dynamic analysis and software model checking are the best examples of technology, which use the theorem proving for the validity of verification. Information Security in Wireless Local Area Networks Summary and Conclusion Introductory chapter of thesis narrates the aims and objectives of the work, and describes the structure of the thesis. This early chapter is focused on the Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), which is the biggest segment in the Wireless products’ market. Wireless Local Area Networks facilitates the communication and computing in spatial domains including the enterprises, hospitals, offices and campuses. In these environments, WLAN expands and complements the coverage in the existing networks. There are three main objectives behind the information security for the wireless networks such as the data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Data Integrity; It is ensured that no data or information has been modified. Confidentiality; It is ensured that nobody other than receiver can see or read the inf ormation. Availability; It ensures the availability of information needed at any time. The second chapter of this thesis work has been on the history and background of the study. This chapter describes the ways of the wireless detection using when data packets pass through the Network Interface Card (NIC). Managed and â€Å"rfmon† modes of data transferring through NIC are stated. The function of the Kismet has been specified when data packets pass through the NIC and saved in the file named as â€Å"pcap†. Beacon frame is most wanted for the sniffer that contains the information about sniffing operation. Data sending and receiving over the WLANs need the connection with Access Points. The requirements of the encryption protocol for the data encryption of the beacon frame are also realized in this part of the thesis. A hacker attacks the wireless network and selects a wireless channel from where it attacks the network. Hacker uses the two probing techniques such as act ive and passive. NetStumbler tools works as active probing and receives the Service Set Identifies (SSID) and host information. An active probe detects the access points in scope of hackers’ transmission. Passive Probing technique is used to drop the data packets over a channel and neither data receiver nor the data sender can detect the attacker’s presence. Surveillance is a passive technique that a hacker uses to capture the data traffic over a